Emergency Response Management System

A system made for managing emergency response, resource allocation, and national guard intervention.

March, 2020
Approach to solution

Existing industry obstacles & needs

The Virginia National Guard was interested in identifying & rectifying gaps in payment to employees and service members, and reimbursement from external organizations.
There is no industry-wide standardized application or system through which the National Guard processes logistics and finances related to emergency events.
On a wider scale, there is no standard system through which emergency management of any kind, from inclement weather to adversary fire, is managed.
Project Deliverables

How we met our client's needs

Our Approach
Our Results

Requirements Discovery

We began with informational meetings with our client to better understand the desired project workflow and data model. By beginning this project with a deep dive into the industry and problem at hand, we were able to anticipate the needs of our clients and deliver software solutions that went above and beyond their expectations.

Current Obstacles & Gaps in Process

Our clients shared frustrations with a lack of standardization in the emergency management process, illuminating a huge gap in the market. Internally, we began exploring methods of bridging this gap -- allowing us to anticipate our clients needs.

Market Research & Competitive Environment

To ensure our clients receive the best value for their price, we compared our proposed application model to others on the market. Using competitive analysis, we determined our strengths, weaknessess, opportunities, and threats.

Development & Integration with Database

Through Turanto, we built the Emergency Response Management System (ERMS), with the capacity to become the de-facto emergency management system nation-wide. We integrated existing DoD resource databases, gathered information from the nation-wide web-Emergency Operations Center, and implemented auto-generation of necessary documentation to activate troops & response capabilities.

Application Customization & Deployment

Given the physical & on-scene aspects of National Guard Service, we anticipated our clients, and their user's. needs for a fully functional mobile app. We implemented direct messaging, attendance, resource, & location tracking, task management, and payment initiation into ERMS to allow all aspects of emergency event response to be managed in the palm of a hand.

Marketing Collateral Created & Made Live

To ensure the use of the mobile app, we created marketing videos and training material directed towards service members. By illuminating why the mobile app would ease their workload on scene, we developed user trust and product awareness.
Our Approach

Requirements Discovery

We began with informational meetings with our client to better understand the desired project workflow and data model. By beginning this project with a deep dive into the industry and problem at hand, we were able to anticipate the needs of our clients and deliver software solutions that went above and beyond their expectations.

Current Obstacles & Gaps in Process

Our clients shared frustrations with a lack of standardization in the emergency management process, illuminating a huge gap in the market. Internally, we began exploring methods of bridging this gap -- allowing us to anticipate our clients needs.

Market Research & Competitive Environment

To ensure our clients receive the best value for their price, we compared our proposed application model to others on the market. Using competitive analysis, we determined our strengths, weaknessess, opportunities, and threats.
Our Results

Development & Integration with Database

Through Turanto, we built the Emergency Response Management System (ERMS), with the capacity to become the de-facto emergency management system nation-wide. We integrated existing DoD resource databases, gathered information from the nation-wide web-Emergency Operations Center, and implemented auto-generation of necessary documentation to activate troops & response capabilities.

Application Customization & Deployment

Given the physical & on-scene aspects of National Guard Service, we anticipated our clients, and their user's. needs for a fully functional mobile app. We implemented direct messaging, attendance, resource, & location tracking, task management, and payment initiation into ERMS to allow all aspects of emergency event response to be managed in the palm of a hand.

Marketing Collateral Created & Made Live

To ensure the use of the mobile app, we created marketing videos and training material directed towards service members. By illuminating why the mobile app would ease their workload on scene, we developed user trust and product awareness.
Solution showcase

Screenshots of the deployed application

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